The weather is cooling off, and that means it’s getting harder to remain active. If you’re finding yourself less motivated to make your daily walk/run or put off by the idea of biking to work, you’re not alone. The cold weather eliminates the potential for a lot of our favorite exercise activities, but there are plenty of ways to stay active without having to brave the harsh conditions. Here are some great ways to incorporate more physical activity into indoor spaces during these chilly months to keep yourself healthy and fit.
Start Working Out At Home
There are lots of workouts that you can do right in your own home without equipment. There is no need to join an expensive gym when you have all that you need right in the comfort of your own home. Simple cardio-based workouts, along with strength training are easy to achieve in a small space. There are even apartment-friendly workouts that don’t involve jumping to minimize the noise you’d be making. Try looking up online videos to follow along to on Youtube. It’s just like taking a fitness class, but without having to leave your home and go to a facility.
Try In-Office Exercises
Many of us spend the majority of our time at a desk during the workweek. In the warmer months, it’s easy to bike to work or take a walk around the block during your lunch break. During the colder months, these concepts become less appealing, so you have to find new ways to stay moving during the day. If you’re at a desk, there are many ways to be more active rather than just sitting around all day.
Standing Desk
Standing gets the blood flowing much more than sitting, and now there is a new way to get on your feet at the office. Try out a standing desk that allows your muscles to be more actively engaged while you work. Standing desks have even been shown to help people burn 87 more calories in a day than traditional desks. They can even help manage your blood pressure, as sitting for 7-10 hours a day has been shown to raise blood pressure levels.
Exercise Ball
If you don’t feel like standing for such a long time, there is another alternative. Try using an inflatable exercise ball as your office chair. While the idea might seem silly at first, the concept is growing in popularity as a recent fitness trend. An exercise ball engages your core muscles by requiring you to stabilize yourself on the spherical surface. It also improves muscle tone, balance and allows you to burn excess calories, all while sitting at your desk.
Simply Walk Around

When you’re not at work, walking around is a great way to get that blood pumping. If you don’t want something as strenuous as a full-blown workout, try just walking around for a little bit every day. Venues such as shopping malls or museums are great for getting steps in when you don’t want to go out in the cold. Walking around such a large indoor space will allow you to get a good amount of cardio in without even noticing. Try out a step counter to see just how many steps you do in a day of shopping or while out with friends, it’s probably more than you’d think! These trackers can also monitor your heart rate, giving you a more holistic view of your “workout”.
Staying Active
Routine exercise is an important part of your cardiovascular health. Getting your heart rate up with a workout, even a minor one, can strengthen your heart and help prevent obesity, blood clots, and even heart attack. For more tips on living a heart-healthy lifestyle, check out our Learning Center or make an appointment with one of our experienced cardiologists!