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    Cardiac Health Increased From Regular Coffee Consumption

    Cardiac Health Increased From Regular Coffee Consumption

    Coffee is among America’s most popular beverages, with over 83 percent of Americans enjoying a cup of Joe from time to time. Roughly half of the adult population drinks coffee at least once a day-the average drinker enjoying 2.1 cups a day. So, what does this mean for overall health?

    A History Of Skepticism

    The jury has been out on coffee for quite a while, with general perceptions oscillating between positive and negative. Many avid drinkers won’t let rumors hamper consumption, regardless of the latest word on the street. However, the most recent research may encourage a boost even in those who don’t typically favor a little java in the morning. As scientific evidence now shows, coffee may actually reduce the risk of heart failure and stroke by a significant rate.

    The quest for benefits in coffee consumption has been a medical trend, driving researchers across the country to study the true reality of coffee’s influence once and for all. With a focus on the deadliest conditions for Americans, like heart disease and diabetes, this groundbreaking research is proving what most Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts lovers knew all along: coffee has healing powers.

    Good News for Heart Health

    Despite existing claims to the contrary – The American Heart Association released a statement in 2008 asserting that coffee may actually increase the risk of heart failure – current research is backing up a whole new set of conclusions.

    In a recent study presented at the 2017 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions held in Anaheim, California, medical professionals sought to find a link between common food items, including coffee and red meat, and heart disease. Through their research, which combined dietary statistics with diet-related factors known to contribute to heart failure and stroke, researchers determined that increased coffee consumption can reduce the risk of incidence by 7 percent and 8 percent, respectively.

    Another study concluded that the largest risk reduction occurs at a moderate level, or three to four cups per day, offering good news for coffee addicts who enjoy a pot or more by lunchtime. It’s important to note that moderation is key; studies from Sweden and Finland tying a reduction in heart disease to coffee note that benefits decrease with heavy consumption of five or more cups per day. 

    Longer Lifespans

    In addition to providing substantial benefits in the realm of cardiovascular medicine, coffee is also tied to another desirable conclusion: a longer life. A study by Spanish researchers tracked the habits of 20,000 participants who enjoyed an average of four cups of coffee a day. Their observations determined that those who drink moderate amounts of coffee on a daily basis have a 64 percent lower risk of death as compared to those who don’t drink coffee at all or rarely drink coffee.

    Skepticism is only natural. However, two other studies, both of which were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, came to similar conclusions, identifying a correlation between regular coffee use and a longer lifespan.

    Coffee’s Ongoing Research

    While plenty of common myths exist about coffee’s capabilities, from stunted growth to kidney problems, scientists are discovering more health benefits every day. Decade old studies are being proven wrong as new technology is invented and new findings are uncovered. While the exact process of how coffee beans affect the cardiovascular system are still being studied, research has proven there is a positive correlation. So, instead of stopping at one, two, or even three cups in the morning, people now have a reason to keep on sipping.

    If you would like to learn about other natural substances that can aid in cardiac heath, please visit our website: www.cvgcares.com.

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