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    Cardiovascular Group and Northside Hospital are pleased to announce the signing of a Practice Services Agreement, signifying a major leap forward in cardiovascular patient care and clinical leadership in the Atlanta region.

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    Tips To Lower High Cholesterol

    High cholesterol levels can be a worrying problem for many people, with elevated levels leading to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and other health complications. Thankfully, there are simple changes that we can make to our lives in order to reduce these numbers and improve our overall health.

    One of the most effective ways to combat high cholesterol is by eating a healthy diet. This means cutting down on unhealthy fats such as saturated fat found in red meat and processed food, and replacing it with beneficial monounsaturated fat from sources such as olive oil, nuts and avocados. Additionally, increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains – which contain fibre that binds with dietary cholesterol in the gut before it enters the bloodstream – will also help lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or ‘bad’ cholesterol.

    It’s also important to keep an eye on portion sizes – eating too much of any type of food can lead to weight gain over time – increasing total body mass which then tends to raise cholesterol further thereby creating a vicious cycle when left unchecked. In terms of drinks; switching sugary beverages & sweetened teas / coffees for plain water every now & then is highly recommended since these tend to lower one’s calorie intake significantly whilst still providing plenty of hydration throughout the day – important elements when looking to actively managing health levels long term!

    As well as diet, regular exercise has been proven time & again as a key component along with other lifestyle changes like quitting smoking/alcohol consumption in excess etc., towards improving both HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or ‘good’ cholesterol values alongside changes seen via reducing intra abdominal fat stores commonly seen among those who tend toward carrying excess weight around their midsection area rather than elsewhere on their bodies (known as visceral obesity).

    If all else fails then medications prescribed by doctors exist which target receptors within the liver helping reduce production & escapement into the bloodstream – often combined with statins & lifestyle alterations being offered together by healthcare providers all designed towards aiding patients through this process in achieving optimal desirable results over time whenever they find themselves struggling with levels that exceed what is deemed safe typically considered above 240mg/dL measured by a simple blood test known as a lipid profile or lipoprotein panel.

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