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    Cardiovascular Group and Northside Hospital are pleased to announce the signing of a Practice Services Agreement, signifying a major leap forward in cardiovascular patient care and clinical leadership in the Atlanta region.

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    What foods are high in cholesterol?

    High cholesterol foods are those that contain large amounts of fatty lipids (high-fat content) as well as dietary cholesterol. It is important to remember that not all cholesterol is considered ‘bad’ – in fact, it is an essential part of the body’s production of hormones and other important compounds. However, diets high in saturated fats, Trans fats (hydrogenated oils) and refined carbohydrates can lead to an increase in unhealthy levels of LDL cholesterol which has been linked to a range of health problems including cardiovascular disease and even death.

    The types of food known to be high in both dietary cholesterol and unhealthy fats include dairy products – such as cream, cheese and butter; processed/prepared snacks like crisps and salted nuts; processed meats like bacon, hot dogs and sausages; some fish and shellfish particularly sardines and anchovies; egg yolks (not egg whites); red meat – chicken, beef or pork; plus palm oil or coconut oil used for cooking. Other common sources of dietary cholesterol include bakery products such as cakes, pastries & biscuits; chocolate bars & muesli bars; deep fried fast foods like chips/fries; margarine or spreadable butter substitutes made with hydrogenated oils; mayonnaise & salad dressings; peanut butter & other nut butters such as almond and cashew butters etc.

    It should also be noted that there are certain beneficial components within these items especially the natural variants i.e. full-fat dairy products over low-fat varieties, cold pressed vegetable oils over hydrogenated versions etc.- all of which contain monounsaturated fats instead of saturated ones which have been found to have positive effects on one’s overall health when consumed in moderation i.e less than 10% total fat intake per day according to UK Dietary Guidelines. So while it is important to be aware that some foods are higher in both saturated fat & dietary cholesterol than others – moderating one’s consumption accordingly so as not to overdo things can help maintain healthy levels whilst still being able to enjoy regular treats every now & then without fear of triggering serious health risks associated with too much intake from these food groups.

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