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    Common Springtime Illnesses to Watch Out For

    Common Springtime Illnesses to Watch Out For

    How to Avoid Getting Sick This Spring

    Springtime is here! After months of chilly weather and staying inside, we’re all relieved to finally have some sunshine and warm weather coming our way! Unfortunately, this pleasant season comes with a bit of a price. The spring season is commonly accompanied by a wide variety of illnesses and ailments. While many of these are out of our control, there are some simple prevention and treatment methods that we can utilize in order to minimize the impact. Here are some of the most common springtime nuisances and what we can do about them.

    1. Asthma

    Asthma is a year-round condition, but the springtime often triggers increased flare-ups that cause respiratory discomfort. In the spring, there is usually much more pollen in the air due to the blooming flowers, which can be immensely irritating for asthma patients. In order to best manage this, try keeping an air filter in your home and the windows closed as much as possible. When you head outside, make sure that you have all of your inhalers and medications ready to go in the event of an attack. Additionally, asthma needs to be regularly monitored by a doctor to ensure proper usage and refills.

    2. Allergies

    Similarly to asthma, springtime is also sometimes accompanied by a flare of up allergies and allergy symptoms. These symptoms typically include itchy or swollen eyes, runny nose, congestion, and sometimes a headache. This is often due to the pollen in the air, but additionally, people are just generally spending more time outside, exposing themselves to more allergens. Many people may not think of this, but springtime allergies can actually impact your cardiovascular health. This is especially true when you’re self-medicating with over-the-counter remedies.

    Watch out for decongestants that might have the unintended side effect of raising your blood pressure. Seniors have to think about this especially carefully, as they’re at a higher risk for high blood pressure, as well as Afib, which can also be sparked or worsened by allergy meds. If you’re concerned about your risk, consult with a cardiologist before taking allergy medications, along with making smart lifestyle choices to combat cardiac diseases.

    3. The Common Cold

    Rhinovirus, often referred to as the common cold, spreads easily and can be a major nuisance. The best defense against a cold is frequent hand washing and proper sanitary practices. Additionally, getting enough sleep, eating right, and generally living a healthy lifestyle will help to keep your immune system in fighting order. If you do end up coming down with a tickle, rest up and seek informed advice about potential treatment.

    4. Lyme Disease

    Deer ticks come out in the warmth of spring. Where there are ticks, there is Lyme disease. Lyme disease can be immensely dangerous, so it is ultra important to take proper precautions. Always check your skin for ticks after spending time outside, and generally, it’s safest to avoid prolonged time in tall foliage, where ticks are sure to be lurking. Lyme disease rates go up in the spring as people tend to spend more time outside, vulnerable to bites. If you find or suspect tick activity, typically in the form of a rash or fever, get checked out by a doctor to make sure that you’re safe!

    Stay Healthy This Spring

    Certain parties are more vulnerable to these illnesses, namely seniors, or anyone with a suppressed immune system. In order to combat these illnesses and stay healthy, frequent doctor visits are crucial. This includes regular visits to the cardiologist! CardioVascular Group has a team of qualified doctors to help you stay your healthiest! 

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