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  • If you received a bill or letter from Cardiovascular Anesthesiologist PC or Precision Anesthesia Billing, LLC please note that Cardiovascular Group and CVGcares.com is not affiliated with either of these organizations

    Cardiovascular Group and Northside Hospital are pleased to announce the signing of a Practice Services Agreement, signifying a major leap forward in cardiovascular patient care and clinical leadership in the Atlanta region.

    If your date of service is after June 1st 2021 use the button below to pay your bill online.

    How is a pacemaker Implanted?

    How is a pacemaker Implanted?

    A pacemaker is typically implanted beneath the skin through a small incision below the collarbone. Pacemaker leads are then threaded through a vein to the heart, where they touch the heart’s lining. These wires allow the pacemaker to sense the heartbeat and stimulate the heart to beat if it is too slow. The procedure is done with sedation and local anesthetic. Depending on the situation, you may be able to go home the same day or may need to stay overnight.

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